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Zelioni Engine Oil Dipstick

Turn your Vespa into something truly special with Zelioni’s design products milled from high-quality aluminum.

Where other brands don’t pay attention to the details, that is precisely Zelioni’s strong point, and you can see that beautifully in this product. After all, who has a designer oil dipstick for the engine oil?

Choose from a black and aluminum (silver) version so that this component also pairs perfectly with the other styling options on your scooter.

NOTE: This dipstick is for 125 and 150cc engines. For 50cc, the dipstick must be shortened!

Vanaf: $61.03$56.67


Manufacturer / Model Engine Capacity Type designation (VIN begins with) Engine Type Year built Comments
VESPA 946 i.e. 3V 125 ZAPM80100 4T AC ´13-´17
VESPA 946 i.e. 3V 125 ZAPMA7100 4T AC ´16´17
VESPA 946 i.e. 3V 150 ZAPM802/ ZAPM808 4T AC ´13-´16
VESPA 946 i.e. 3V 4T Emporio Armani Euro3 125 ZAPM80101 4T AC ’15
VESPA 946 i.e. 3V Euro4 125 ZAPM80101 4T AC ’16-’17
VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V / Touring 150 ZAPM81200 / ZAPM81201 / ZAPM818/ RP8M82 4T AC `13-`16
VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V / Touring 125 ZAPM81101 4T AC `13-`18
VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V / Touring 125 ZAPM81100 / ZAPM81101 / RP8M82 4T AC `13-`16
VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V Euro4 150 ZAPM81200 4T AC `16-`17
VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V Euro4 150 ZAPM81201 4T AC `16
VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V Euro4 125 ZAPM81100 4T AC `16-`17
VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V iGet 125 ZAPMA11 / RP8M825 4T AC `16-
VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V iGet 125 RP8M82500 4T AC `16
VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V iGet Euro4 150 ZAPMA12 / ZAPMA1201 / RP8M822 4T AC `16-
VESPA Sprint i.e. 3V 150 ZAPM81401 4T AC `14-`16
VESPA Sprint i.e. 3V / Sport 150 ZAPM814 / RP8M8 4T AC `14-`16
VESPA Sprint i.e. 3V / Sport 125 ZAPM81300 / ZAPM81301 / RP8M821 4T AC `14-`17
VESPA Sprint i.e. 3V iGet Euro4 125 ZAPMA1300 / RP8M825 4T AC `16-
VESPA Sprint i.e. 3V iGet Euro4 150 ZAPMA1400 / RP8M82211 4T AC `16-

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