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Super Help Liquid Gasket – up to 315℃ – 85ml – Black / Red / Gray

Metal parts such as the flanges, oil pans, valve covers, etc. must be fitted with a (liquid) gasket to prevent oil from leaking between the parts.
This silicone-based liquid gasket can withstand very low and high temperatures from -62 to as high as 315 degrees Celsius, which for someone like you who always gets the most out of his machine, is no luxury.
It is packaged in a convenient tube, which makes it very easy to work with this gasket.
This formula adheres very well to many materials such as metal, glass and plastic.
So for a first-class repair, use this gasket from Italy, wherever your scooter happens to be from.
Molto bene!
Available in red, gray and black.

Vanaf: $6.56

Additional information

Dimensions N/A


Black, Grey, Red

Fits on

OEM Number

400, 401, 404


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