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Moto Nostra Low Windshield – Vespa GTS Keyless models from 2023 onwards – Smoke / Transparent / Black

Also equip your Vespa GTS Keyless with such a cool low windshield. The aerodynamic shape deflects the airflow so that it passes over the driver. That makes a huge difference in the forces on your body and arms, plus it makes it a lot harder for flying insects to get into your mouth. Plus, your scooter immediately looks a lot tougher. There is a choice of three different colors: gloss black, smoke and transparent. So always a windshield to fit your scooter! Be sure to check the chassis numbers below to make sure the screen fits your ripping iron. These windshields are approved by the German TÜV, so they are safe and legal to use. The windshield is supplied complete, so incl. mounting hardware.


Additional information

Weight N/A


Clear, Gloss Black, Smoke

Fits on

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