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LED Decorative Light Piaggo Zip SP

(1 customer review)

These LED lights come in the grille of the Piaggo SP. So fits only on the SP nose. Gives a super fat look to your scooter and increases visibility in the dark. Functional and safe in other words. With this price, it’s actually a no-brainer.

Moreover, available in 8 colors, so the perfect combination with your paint color is bound to be among them.

Vanaf: $23.01$21.92

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Blue, Orange, Pink, Red, White, Yellow

Fits on

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1 review for LED Decorative Light Piaggo Zip SP

  1. Dutch


    er staat geen kleur bij?

    • Dutch


      Hallo Casper,

      ze komen achter de kuip dus het armatuur zie je niet wanneer ze gemonteerd zijn. Er zijn acht kleuren leverbaar.

      Team Roger Trading

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