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FT4035 Brake Pads Sintered for Beverly 500 / X9 / Brembo caliper for iGet – 647076

These are the brake pads you need for the Brembo caliper that used to come standard on the Beverly 500 (2003-2007). Today, these calipers are used in combination with a Zelioni adapter on the Vespa Sprint and Primavera 50cc iGet models, for better braking performance.

That performance is optimal with these sintered brake pads.

Our Roger Styling brake pads are produced in Italy at a competitive price, but without compromising on quality or safety.

We also offer Malossi and Polini brake pads, both top brands whose quality and performance are guaranteed.

Well as important it is about your brakes after all. Your safety and that of your fellow road users, as always with us, comes first!

Vanaf: $19.56


Manufacturer / Model Engine Capacity Type designation Engine Block Year built Comments
PIAGGIO Beverly 500 ZAPM341/ZAPM342 4T LC ’03-’07 for
PIAGGIO Beverly Cruiser i.e. 500 ZAPM345 4T LC ’07-’13 for
PIAGGIO Beverly i.e. 400 ZAPM34300 4T LC ’06-’07 for
PIAGGIO X9 250 ZAPM23 4T LC ’00-’02 for
PIAGGIO X9 125 ZAPM23000 4T LC ’00-’03 for
PIAGGIO X9 200 LEADER 4T LC ’02 for
PIAGGIO X9 Evolution 500 ZAPM27000 4T LC ’04-’06 for

Additional information

Dimensions N/A

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OEM Number

174.2035, 494966, 497083, 6215017BS, 647076


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